Good Riddance!

new student

When you are a teacher, much of your day depends on other people’s choices. Guidance coordinators, parents, and other teachers must place and remove students from your class as they need to, so you don’t have much choice in who your students are. Some students you can’t stand are suddenly on your roll book, while others you adore disappear without warning. Often you will celebrate when a problematic student is removed from the roster, only to be replaced by one much worse. That’s teaching, though. The only thing you can do is be a source of light for all students, so they will remember you fondly. And not shank you when you turn around.

No Time for Homework

no time for hw

Kids today are busier than ever, right? Busier than when they used to do chores on the farm, take care of siblings, cook from scratch over a stove, hand-wash the dishes, make their own clothing, hand-wash and line-dry their clothes, walk to and from school seven miles in the snow…wait, modern convenience eliminated most of these responsibilities. So what are they actually doing with their time? Here’s my guess. Yet, they still don’t have time for homework. Sad.