Guest Cartoonist: Why Do You Get To Use Your Phone?

bethany phone comic

Our guest cartoonist is back. She will turn 7 next month. 🙂
Here is the dialogue:
Student: “Why do you get to use your phone in class?”
Teacher: “Because I’m the boss of you and go back and do your work.”
Student: “Ugh!”

Found This on the Floor


I would never criticize teachers, the union, or our school district. But I did “find this on the floor” at work near my classroom. I don’t know who would risk their career to draw something politically divisive like this, but I wanted to post it as an example as what not to draw. 🙂

When I Grow Up


Students sometimes have an unrealistic view of the world and their place in it.

ALSO: I was saddened to find about the June 2 death of one of my former students, Estefania Gonzalez, in a vehicle crash. Estefania just graduated from our school and should have been starting her own bright future. My condolences to her family, and to all of those who knew her. She was a beautiful and talented young lady who will be deeply missed.